[Monthly Calendar PDF]

Men’s and Women’s Prayer Meetings

We meet in person every Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM at the church.  If you would rather join us on ZOOM, please send an email to dmcalpin@livingwatercf.com and request to be added to the ZOOM invitation.

Women’s Fellowship Breakfast

Join us at 9:00 AM on the following Saturday mornings for a time of breakfast, fellowship, and study of God’s Word on the following dates:  February 24, April 27, June 29, August 31, October 26

Women Sowing Seeds

Join us as we participate in various crafts to the glory of God.  We meet on the first and third Saturdays of the month.

Father’s Heart Outreach

Would you like to join us in reaching the community?  We provide a Bible message, meals, clothing and personal items to the needy of our community.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Join us for a time of fellowship at 9:00 AM on Saturday mornings for breakfast, fellowship and a message from God’s Word on the following dates: January 27, March 30, May 25,  July 27, September 28, November 30